I've been involved with photography and flight for most of my life. As a kid I went to every airshow that my Dad would take me to. I spend all of my allowance money on Cox u-line airplanes. Fast forwarding a few years I obtained by FAA Commercial pilot ratings for SEL, single engine land, and gliders, and most recently I received my FAA commercial certification for drones. I've been involved in the photography industry for over 25 years, having commercial success selling prints, and I was a wedding photographer with my own studio for 12 years. Since the early 70's I've been deeply involved in the computer industry. I started in the computer industry as a computer operator, programmed computers for a number a years, and spend most of my IT career as a computer performance specialist and system support engineer. Photography uses all my expertise, computers, flying, being creative via photography, and I love it.
If you have any questions or special requests, please give me a call